Come for a Saturday afternoon sensual transformative experience of The Ecstatic Body.
A unique experience of collective and amplified awakening!
Gently guided and held by Lara Kolesar using the simple ingredients of Movement, Breath, Touch and Sound. You will learn to use your energy to open where chronic tension is held in the body as well as how to touch and be touched.
You may experience:
In the Body
>Awake relaxation
>Presence to sensations in the body
>Natural full body orgasm/orgasmic states
>Your pleasure body
>Balancing of hormones
In the Mind
>Freedom from limiting habits of thought
>Partnership between mind and body
>Conscious awareness
>Permission to express your life force
In the Spirit
>Elevation of your energy’s frequency
>Release of conditioning and habits of thought from the body
>Opening to your intuition
>The embodiment of Love
>Sacred union
‘Touch links awareness and sensitivity; without it, the senses cannot communicate or interrelate. When we are “in touch” with our feelings, and when we are “touched” by an experience, we are moved and inspired to go beyond our limits.’ ~Padma Aon Prakasha
When: Saturday March 23 1:00-5:00pm
Where: Bergen, Netherlands
To Register: Send payments to IBAN NL 09 INGB 0007 2214 11 or PayPal to