

Embodiment facilitator

& Body Whisperer




Get my free embodiment meditation and in just 13 minutes discover:

  • How to relax your body. 

  • Coming home to your body. 

  • How to listen to what your body is trying to tell you.

  • The ease of connecting to your body's needs.

  • The pleasurable aliveness of your life-force.

Hi I’m Lara Kolesar.

With over 30 years immersed in the fields of bodywork and embodied movement, I have developed a deep insight into the nuanced capacities of the human form, including its perceiving awareness, belief systems, and the ways these elements intersect with the source of life.

I have discovered that no matter how big or small our struggle with embodying our physical, emotional, mental or spiritual challenges, with good guidance we can open to the opportunities that live in them and become vibrant versions of ourselves. My practice is dedicated to guiding individuals to explore and enhance their embodiment, enabling them to access, interpret, and integrate their body’s wisdom.

Through my roles as a movement educator, embodiment coach, and somatic facilitator, I assist people in using their refined awareness to align with and act upon their deepest guidance.




For the last 25 years, Lara has been exploring and creating new ways to support the body and translate its intelligence through touch, breath and movement. She developed the Kolesar Body Knowledge Method for Pilates Instructors and now offers her latest creation, The Art of Ecstatic Touch, out of her passion for accessing the deep healing potential of the body when it's trapped rhythm of response is liberated into intuition and knowing. She has lead international trainings and workshops guiding people to unlock their somatic knowing through their sense of touch.

Lara combines her expertise in Pilates, Gyrotonic, Anatomy, Massage, Dance, Embodied Sensuality, and Personal Development to remind people of their body’s trustworthy wisdom. She is passionate about using touch and sensory intuition to remind your body through its innate, ecstatic expression of aliveness that it is made up of the same primordial force that fuels all of life.

I relish the deep dive into the realm of the body through movement and touch. With the awareness carried by the breath the truth of your soul’s essence is revealed!