Summer workshops: Art Of Ecstatic Touch with Lara Kolesar


Join us for an introduction into the Art Of Ecstatic Touch. A subtle yet powerful workshop of opening, receiving, and channeling life force energy with other women. 

 Using the universal translator of our bodily sensations we ease-fully connect to the field of energy that is feminine by nature; rhythmic, raw, pulsing, playful, pleasurable, wild, and erotic.   

In this 3 hour workshop Lara Kolesar and her team will expertly guide you into experiencing the magic that is your embodied self. Lara and her team create a deep container to bring you back to the feeling intelligence you have within you. Through practices involving movement, sound, breath and touch your nervous system will discover distinction and rhythm, uncovering your body’s own wisdom.

The workshops will take place at the following dates and places:

  • 23rd of August - In “Het Maanhuis” in Koedijk. 19:00 - 21:30

  • 26th of August - In: “De Schuur” in Udenhout (NB) 14:00 - 17:00

  • 27th of August - In “Heart of Gaia” in Zeist. 19:00 - 21:30

    (Mixed group men and women)

  • 30th of August - In “Het Maanhuis” in Koedijk 19:00 - 21:30

    (Mixed group men and women)

This workshop is for women interested in this work and feeling called to discover more about themselves and living an embodied life.

Cost: 50 euros

Please enroll through this link for one or more of the workshops:

Interested in a deeper dive please also check out our retreat:

Art Of Ecstatic Touch Weekend Immersion 

September 1-3 2023 New Eden, Netherlands