Activate Your Rhythm of Response


The quality of our lives is determined by our ability to respond…

"… to respond to the varied complex situations that we encounter. If the ability to respond with intelligence, competence and sensitivity is compromised by a compulsive or reactive approach we are enslaved by the situation. It means we have allowed the nature of our life experiences to be determined by our circumstances not by us. To be responsible is to be fully conscious." ~Sadhguru

When I am not self connected & self organized in myself, I’m fucked. That’s when I go to the mat to activate my Rhythm of Response, to transition from going out there for connection, to in here. 

For the past 12 weeks, I've been refining this Rhythm of Response.  I've practiced this technique with both myself and with my clients in very impactful one-on-one sessions with great results. Because of these powerful impacts, I want to offer this to you now when it is needed more than ever, at no cost.

Join me Tuesday July 21` from 19:00 - 20:00 CET for an online interactive workshop on how to get your Rhythm of Response going. 

Why bother?  Here we are in new times, where literally every outside source has become disrupted, become unreliable or unavailable through the threat of Covid. 

The constraints created by social distancing have made it obvious that I can’t outsource my inner conditions. 

Anxious feelings can’t be adequately soothed by distractions and no amount of joy, happiness or bliss is going to be sustainably generated from outside of my own being.

This is the one thing that has become crystal clear to me during this time.

There is no way out, but in. 

In this interactive workshop, I will share with you why our ability to respond is so important to our physical existence.

We will unpack the number one block to accessing your flow state and you'll walk away with the tools necessary to do this on your own when you need it most.

She/he who is responsive to his life claims his responsibility within the domain of his human experience.  

Registration is very limited to a small interactive group, register now to claim your spot.